Pssst…it’s me…


Do you remember me? Of course you do! But yes, this entry is loooong overdue. I’m hoping nobody was sitting on the edge of their seat, waiting for the follow-up to my last post about the Adoption Resource Exchange. Okay, in case you didn’t get it, that last bit was sarcasm. I mean many of you reading this don’t know me that well, so maybe not. Maybe you’re thinking, “Wow, what an ego on that one!” But I assure you, I’m not kidding myself here. With a whopping 13 followers, I know no one’s life stopped when it took me over a month to post again. But some may have been curious about the ARE and what the experience was. I certainly was as we were planning to go. I had been awaiting this to come around for months, but alas it was not to be.

Thanks to our trusty vehicle (yes, we only have one), we had to forgo attending it. I had got out of the shower, put on my make up, and was about to dry my hair when hubby came home from work, and announced that the engine light in the car had come on and wouldn’t go off. So we could either risk driving to the other end of the city, and having perhaps calling a tow truck to chauffeur us home, or just stay put and take the car in on Monday. We unfortunately agreed the latter was wisest, and doubly unfortunate for hubby, I was not a happy camper.

I was incredibly disappointed. I had waited on this for so long. Forever it seemed, and now I was going to have to wait forever again for the next one to come around. I sulked all weekend. Okay, well maybe I wasn’t sulking, but there was a definitive air of deflatedness. Now normally that’s not like me. Not to get so down over something like this, but as I said, I had really been looking at that date marked on my calendar, and that excitement was building each day it crept closer and closer. But my reaction even had me thinking, “Okay, aren’t we putting a little too much emphasis on this?” But I realized after thinking about it, that it was likely compounded by something that happened to me a week or so before.

Bet you’re wondering what happened right? Well I’m afraid I only intended on a quick entry to get back to my blog and let you know I was still alive, while updating you on what didn’t happen at the ARE. So I’m leaving you with another big cliffhanger… [cue dramatic music] Ha! See how I did that? Now you have to come back to find out! Okay, well, I guess you don’t actually have to come back. But I hope you will. Until then, I’m off to bed everyone. Sweet dreams….

2 responses »

  1. Yes I’ve heard that imagine it is. It’s hard to think about the thousands of children waiting in Ontario, not to mention across the country. But it definitely hurts your heart when you put faces to these numbers.

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